Arranging The Funeral

When it comes to funeral arranging, it’s important to us that we deliver a funeral that is a testament to your loved one’s life. We can tailor funeral services to each family’s particular requirements. Every service is different – it can range from a simple ceremony to a more elaborate service. Our professional services include:

  • Taking instructions
  • Arranging and directing the service
  • Transfer of the deceased from the place of death to the funeral home
  • Embalming
  • Arranging a simple cremation if desired
  • Liaising with the Minister or Celebrant
  • Insertion of death notices in daily newspapers
  • Providing viewing facilities and sourcing and processing all necessary medical certifications,
  • Preparing documentation
  • Registration of death
  • Payment of all disbursements to individuals or companies for any goods and services provided as part of the funeral service.

At Howick Funeral Home we like to take the stress out of arranging a funeral, we help you throughout the full journey and can help you arrange catering, select a casket, urn, and flowers to make that final farewell a special one.


You can find out more about the process and what’s involved here.

See our catering options here.

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